3rd Blackjack Night to Benefit Animals


by Susan Dearing


The humane society known as ARA (Amigos por un Refugio Animal--Friends for an Animal Shelter in Manzanillo) needs your support for their 3rd Blackjack Night, to be held Monday, June 27, from 7-11 p.m. at the Hotel Playa de Santiago. 


ARA volunteers work tirelessly to develop programs and fundraisers that will sponsor year-round spaying and neutering. To date ARA has sponsored 1,111 sterilizations and averages 35 per month.

The June 27 event will offer beginner's tables, great prizes, a raffle, free snacks, and fun for all in one of Manzanillo's oldest hotels, Playa de Santiago, a landmark in Manzanillo's history.


·       Tickets sold in advance:  $200 pesos (Incl. 20 poker chips, one raffle ticket, one drink voucher)


·       Tickets sold at the door:  $200 pesos (20 poker chips only)


Drinks, beer, wine, and soda will be sold separately, and all proceeds will be donated to ARA. To purchase tickets, contact Chairperson Glenna Palidwor, 335-1674, Debi Teter, 334-3335; or Ginny Ruiz, 335-1955. Or, E-mail.


The June 21, 2010 Blackjack Night event netted more than $1,000 USD (in pesos $12,744), and last November's event raised approximately $2,330 (in pesos $20,480). Sterilizations cost $350 pesos each, so those two events alone generated enough funds to pay for at least 94 sterilizations. Because this Blackjack Night is being held when there are less tourists and residents in Manzanillo, ARA hopes that everyone here--tourists and residents alike, will come and support this worthy cause.


To read more about the last event, read the article written by Jim Evans, one of the 13 dealers, and a former resident of Las Vegas (first published in the Manzanillo Sun). The photos for this story came from Debi Teter, president of ARA, and Kris Hatherall.


Here are some of photos from a Blackjack Night  fundraiser. Click on them to enlarge.


More about ARA:

Dedicated to the welfare of dogs and cats, objectives include:

  1. Ending the needless suffering of abandoned or homeless animals;

  2. Promoting sterilization to lessen the overpopulation problem and reduce the number of stray animals on the streets;

  3. Helping animals to find and stay in suitable, loving homes (or safe and proper environments);

  4. Fostering an atmosphere of respect, responsibility and compassion for all animals through education and leadership;

  5. Referring out to approved veterinarians medical care for the homeless injured;

  6. The education of children at the elementary school level, fundraisers, and an active hot line. 

Information about the Christmas Bazaar, one of ARA's major fundraising events:

For the past five years ARA has held a "Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale" as a fund raiser, the last two years being in the Wal-Mart parking lot.

The 6th Annual Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale will be held in mid-December.  ARA would like to ask you and your friends who might be coming to Manzanillo for donations of items that can sold at the Bazaar.  Dollar and discount stores are wonderful places to find inexpensive items that can be marked up and sold.  Things that are either hard to get here or are somewhat expensive to buy here are sure winners.  Unusual items you don't see everywhere are excellent.  Discounted or "second's" or salesman's samples are other items that may be available.  Children's toys and gift items for anyone are especially good as many come to buy their Christmas gifts after receiving their yearly bonus.  Jewelry, dolls, makeup kits, stuffed animals, playing cards, calendars, household and office items, to name a few, are also popular.

"We at ARA are very excited because each year we grow and move forward.  Our immediate goal of getting a handle on the pet population growth has really taken hold and our "Sterilization Certificate" program which assists people who can't financially afford to "fix" their animals is now in place.  Every dollar we can add to the program will ensure fewer dogs and cats will be left to live on the streets.  Every dollar we can earn or have donated will get us closer to our overall and long-term goals," states Ginny Ruiz, bazaar coordinator.

"I would appreciate if you could e-mail me with the items that you plan to donateI will keep a list so we have an idea on how we are doing and what we will have to sell.  Keep in mind that "gently used" items will be accepted.  

"If you are interested in serving on the bazaar committee or working at the event please send me your information including when you will be in Manzanillo (if you're not already)," Ginny asks.  " Also, if you plan on baking for our very popular bake sale, I'd love to know what you will make... and of course we have time for that later down the line.

Whenever you see a street dog in Manzanillo, remember ARA's efforts to make a difference. With your donations and attendance at both events, you can be part of making Manzanillo's animals happier and healthier, with a better quality of life. Remember, dogs and cats can't ask for your help, but ARA can be their voice.


Note:  Susan Dearing, author of "Manzanillo & the state of Colima: Facts, Tips & Day Trips" supports ARA as well as PATA (Personas Ayudando a Todo los Animales--Persons Helping All Animals) by donating one dollar for every book sold to these worthwhile causes. She also pays out-of-pocket for approximately 40 cat and 20 dog sterilizations per year. Please do your part--if you can't come to the event, or don't think you can master the game of Blackjack, at least donate to the cause through PayPal. ARA uses ara.mzlo@yahoo.com for its Pay Pal account.


New to PayPal? Here are instructions:


  1. To register with Pay Pal go to www.paypal.com.

  2. Click on "Sign up."

  3. This will lead you to a page that says: "Create your Pay Pal account"

  4. On this page you will be asked to choose your country or region, and the language you prefer. You also need to choose what type of account: Personal, Premier, or Business.

  5. The next page allows you to enter the e-mail you wish to use with the account, and personal information, such as password, name & address.

  6. Click on "I agree" to terms and conditions.

  7. The next page opens and asks: "How would you like to pay for your purchases?" and you are given the option of paying with your bank account or credit card.

  8. Whichever you choose, the next page will ask for bank account info or credit card info, then click on "continue."

  9. Once you have registered, you can sign in and click on the "Send Money" tab, fill in ARA's e-mail ara.mzlo@yahoo.com, and choose the amount you want to donate.

    Pay Pal is a safe and secure way to pay on line, and ARA thanks you for your donation!