Manzanillo Magic
Why more and more people are
coming to Manzanillo

Orphans tour
American warship
Project Handclasp reaches out
to Manzanillo children

Crocodiles a plenty!
At the sanctuary for this rowdy reptile
watch the "croc caller" feed these
hungry beasts every Friday

Zipline Canopy
Jungle Tour
5 ziplines: The longest and
in Mexico, and the fastest!

Animal rights law aims
to stop cockfighting &
State representatives work to stop
cruelty to animals

2 Canadian airlines
announce flights to ZLO
WestJet and Air Transat plan weekly
flights through April 2013

Big plans for Valle de
Las Garzas Lagoon
Restoration and reforestation project
will bring this lagoon back to life--
new innovative ideas a boon to tourism

Los Amiales
Fresh water fun for summer

Your safety in Manzanillo
Mexico is getting a lot of bad
Are you safe in Manzanillo? You bet!

Colima City to crack down
on noise pollution
Loud car stereos and mufflers
will be
silenced; violators to be
ticketed & towed